Mystery Writing Raised
to a Fine Art ... sort of

Step into a world of socially conscious crime fiction (yes, it's a thing) and Jewish-themed historical novels.

Now Available

From Sun to Sun

From Sun to Sun presents two parallel stories separated by twenty-five centuries. The first, set in modern New York City, features a hardworking, smart-mouthed Latina investigator, Felicity Ortega Pérez, as she hunts for a missing person who holds the clue to an ancient mystery. Little does she realize how deep the criminality goes and what she will learn about her own hidden past.

The ancient story is a radical revision of the biblical Book of Ruth: When her husband dies under strange circumstances, Ruth must join the exiles returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple in order to secure a future for herself and her grieving mother-in-law, Naomi. Unfortunately, the returning exiles include religious leaders who plan to "purify" the land by expelling all the foreign women.

From Sun to Sun is a tale of love, devotion, and sacrifice, depicting the challenges facing two determined women as they confront ignorance, hatred, and indifference in their pursuit of justice—a seemingly endless struggle in a time of social upheaval, fluid identities, and diverse cross-cultural complexities. This novel is about who gets to decide who's one of us and who's a foreigner, and what it takes to prove you belong.


Kenneth Wishnia's FROM SUN TO SUN is the perfect book to spur discussions and conversations—in your book club or around the holiday table! Wishnia explores themes of exile, foreignness, and more, through his strong, female characters. Head to our #linkinbio to download the discussion guide for FROM SUN TO SUN, which includes questions to nourish your conversation, and more!⁠ --The Jewish Book Council

Wishnia’s novel follows two strong female heroes separated by thousands of years, trying to solve crimes while seen as outsiders by those around them. The two stories form a compelling parallel narrative... containing well-researched, thoughtful, and honest portrayals of a world quite different from our own. –Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (5-star review)

Wishnia dramatically revises the biblical Book of Ruth and also creates a parallel contemporary universe where all noir conventions are reworked in innovative and fascinating ways. With rigorous research in biblical texts making the old seem new and the new seem old, Wishnia’s writing alternates between “noir-speak” and embellished biblical prose. The author’s talent for writing uncompromisingly powerful texts that speak to the marginalized and very often forgotten comes to the forefront in this latest work.

--Retreats from Oblivion

A map of the world with text that reads " from sun to sun ".